Our partners and supporters

SAPCReN partnerships

SAPCReN is also one of eleven primary care research networks from across Canada that contribute data to the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN), a multi-disease electronic medical record-based surveillance system in Canada initially funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Enhancing Alberta Primary Care Research Networks (EnACt) is an infrastructure to support and enhance Alberta's existing practice-based research networks, such as SAPCReN. Supported by the AIHS Translational Health Chair in Community-Partnered Scholarship, its mission is two-fold: support research in practice (e.g. pragmatic trials), and support research on practice (e.g. quality improvement). EnACt is dedicated to engaged scholarship; projects should be co-developed with the community of practice. EnACt will assist community physicians across Alberta and academic investigators at both medical schools to develop ideas into projects and secure funding to conduct them. For further information please contact Tanya Barber, EnACt Research Coordinator, tkbarber@ualberta.ca

SAPCReN's local, provincial and national partners

SAPCReN's local, provincial and national partners

We would also like to thank Gord McKenna for sharing the beautiful photos of Southern Alberta found on this website.